Berron, David;  Schütze, Hartmut;  Maass, Anne;  Cardenas-Blanco, Arturo;  Kuijf, Hugo J.;  Kumaran, Dharshan;  Düzel, Emrah 

Strong evidence for pattern separation in human dentate gyrus
In: The journal of neuroscience: the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience - Washington, DC: Soc., Bd. 36 (2016), 29, S. 7569-7579;


Betts, Matthew J.;  Acosta-Cabronero, Julio;  Cardenas-Blanco, Arturo;  Nestor, Peter J.;  Düzel, Emrah 

High-resolution characterisation of the aging brain using simultaneous quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) and R2* measurements at 7 T
In: NeuroImage - Orlando, Fla: Academic Press, Bd. 138 (2016), S. 43-63;


Colic, Lejla;  Demenescu, Liliana R.;  Li, Meng;  Kaufmann, Jörn;  Krause, Anna L.;  Metzger, Coraline Danielle;  Walter, Martin 

Metabolic mapping reveals sex-dependent involvement of default mode and salience network in alexithymia
In: Social cognitive and affective neuroscience: SCAN - Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 2006, Bd. 11.2016, 2, S. 289-298;


Düzel, Emrah;  Praag, Henriette van;  Sendtner, Michael 

Can physical exercise in old age improve memory and hippocampal function?
In: Brain : a journal of neurology. - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press, Bd. 139.2016, 3, S. 662-673;


Düzel, Sandra;  Voelkle, Manuel C;  Düzel, Emrah;  Gerstorf, Denis;  Drewelies, Johanna;  Steinhagen-Thiessen, Elisabeth;  Demuth, Ilja;  Lindenberger, Ulman 

The subjective health horizon questionnaire (SHH-Q) - assessing future time perspectives for facets of an active lifestyle
In: Gerontology - Basel [u.a.] : Karger, Bd. 62 (2016), Heft 3, S. 345-353;


Esfahani-Bayerl, Nazli;  Finke, Carsten;  Braun, Mischa;  Düzel, Emrah;  Heekeren, Hauke R.;  Holtkamp, Martin;  Hasper, Dietrich;  Storm, Christian;  Ploner, Christoph Johannes 

Visuo-spatial memory deficits following medial temporal lobe damage - a comparison of three patient groups
In: Neuropsychologia: an international journal in behavioural and cognitive neuroscience - Amsterdam [u.a.]: Elsevier Science, Bd. 81 (2016), S. 168-179;


Guio, François;  Jouvent, Eric;  Biessels, Geert Jan;  Black, Sandra E.;  Brayne, Carol;  Chen, Christopher;  Cordonnier, Charlotte;  Leeuw, Frank-Eric;  Dichgans, Martin;  Doubal, Fergus;  Düring, Marco;  Dufouil, Carole;  Düzel, Emrah;  Fazekas, Franz;  Hachinski, Vladimir;  Ikram, M. Arfan;  Linn, Jennifer;  Matthews, Paul M.;  Mazoyer, Bernard;  Mok, Vincent;  Norrving, Bo;  O'Brien, John T.;  Pantoni, Leonardo;  Ropele, Stefan;  Sachdev, Perminder S.;  Schmidt, Reinhold;  Seshadri, Sudha;  Smith, Eric E.;  Sposato, Luciano A.;  Stephan, Blossom;  Swartz, Richard H.;  Tzourio, Christophe;  Buchem, Mark;  Lugt, Aad;  Oostenbrugge, Robert;  Vernooij, Meike W.;  Viswanathan, Anand;  Werring, David;  Wollenweber, Frank Arne;  Wardlaw, Joanna M.;  Chabriat, Hugues 

Reproducibility and variability of quantitative magnetic resonance imaging markers in cerebral small vessel disease
In: Journal of cerebral blood flow


Johansen-Berg, Heidi;  Düzel, Emrah 

Neuroplasticity - effects of physical and cognitive activity on brain structure and function$deditorial
In: NeuroImage - Orlando, Fla.: Academic Press, Bd. 131 (2016), S. 1-3;


Koster, Raphael;  Seow, Tricia X.;  Dolan, Raymond J.;  Düzel, Emrah 

Stimulus novelty energizes actions in the absence of explicit reward
In: PLOS ONE - San Francisco, California, US: PLOS, 2006, Bd. 11.2016, 7, Art.-Nr. e0159120, insges. 10 S.;


Krause, Anna Linda;  Borchardt, Viola;  Li, Meng;  Tol, Marie-José;  Demenescu, Liliana Ramona;  Strauß, Bernhard;  Kirchmann, Helmut;  Buchheim, Anna;  Metzger, Coraline Danielle;  Nolte, Tobias;  Walter, Martin 

Dismissing attachment characteristics dynamically modulate brain networks subserving social aversion
In: Frontiers in human neuroscience - Lausanne: Frontiers Research Foundation, 2008, Bd. 10.2016, Art.-Nr. 77, insges. 14 S.;


Loh, Eleanor;  Kumaran, Dharshan;  Koster, Raphael;  Berron, David;  Dolan, Ray;  Düzel, Emrah 

Context-specific activation of hippocampus and SN/VTA by reward is related to enhanced long-term memory for embedded objects
In: Neurobiology of learning and memory - Orlando, Fla: Academic Press, 1995, Bd. 134 (2016), S. 65-77;


Loh, Eleanor;  Deacon, Matthew;  Boer, Lieke;  Dolan, Raymond J.;  Düzel, Emrah 

Sharing a context with other rewarding events increases the probability that neutral events will be recollected
In: Frontiers in human neuroscience - Lausanne: Frontiers Research Foundation, 2008, Bd. 9 (2016), Art.-Nr. 683, insges. 12 S.;


Maass, Anne;  Düzel, Sandra;  Brigadski, Tanja;  Görke, Monique;  Becke, Andreas;  Sobieray, Uwe;  Neumann, Katja;  Lövdén, Martin;  Lindenberger, Ulman;  Bäckman, Lars;  Braun-Dullaeus, Rüdiger;  Ahrens, Dörte;  Heinze, Hans-Jochen;  Müller, Notger Germar;  Leßmann, Volkmar;  Sendtner, Michael;  Düzel, Emrah 

Relationships of peripheral IGF-1, VEGF and BDNF levels to exercise-related changes in memory, hippocampal perfusion and volumes in older adults
In: NeuroImage: a journal of brain function - Orlando, Fla.: Academic Press, 1992, Bd. 131.2016, S. 142-154;


Metzger, Coraline Danielle;  Wiegers, Maike;  Walter, Martin;  Abler, Birgit;  Graf, Heiko 

Local and global resting state activity in the noradrenergic and dopaminergic pathway modulated by reboxetine and amisulpride in healthy subjects
In: The international journal of neuropsychopharmacology: the official scientific journal of the Collegium Internationale Neuro-Psychopharmacologicum (CINP) - Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 1998, Bd. 19.2016, 2, insges. 9 S.;


Moon, Hyo Youl;  Becke, Andreas;  Berron, David;  Becker, Benjamin;  Sah, Nirnath;  Benoni, Galit;  Janke, Emma;  Lubejko, Susan T.;  Greig, Nigel H.;  Mattison, Julie A.;  Düzel, Emrah;  Praag, Henriette 

Running-induced systemic cathepsin B secretion is associated with memory function
In: Cell metabolism - Amsterdam [u.a.]: Elsevier, Bd. 24 (2016), 2, S. 332-340;


Spallazzi, Marco;  Dobisch, Laura;  Becke, Andreas;  Caffarra, Paolo;  Düzel, Emrah 

Hippocampal vascularization patterns - a high resolution 7T time-of-flight magnetic resonance angiography study
In: Journal of Alzheimer\'s disease: JAD - Amsterdam: IOS Press, 1998, Bd. 52.2016, Suppl. 1, S. S28-S29

Vellage, Anne-Katrin;  Becke, Andreas;  Griep, Hendrik;  Baier, Bernhard;  Schoenfeld, Mircea Ariel;  Hopf, Jens-Max;  Müller, Notger Germar 

Filtering and storage working memory networks in younger and older age
In: Brain and behavior - Malden, Mass.: Wiley, 2011, Bd. 6.2016, 11, Art.-Nr. e00544, insges. 10 S.;


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