Dr. Esther Kühn
Dr. Esther Kühn
Microstructural Imaging, Aging & Embodiment
- Microstructural Plasticity
- 7 Tesla Imaging
- Sensorimotor mapping
My research group has the vision to develop biological models on human sensorimotor aging, and to explore their relevance for everyday life.
Questions such as 'Can we use 7T-MRI to develop in-vivo models of neurodegenerative diseases?' and 'What are the neuronal mechanisms that underlie age-dependent changes in embodiment?' are targeted.
The team is international (Germany, UK, India, Poland, Greece..), interdisciplinary (medical engeneering, psychology, medicine, cognitive neuroscience, clinical neuroscience..), and dedicated to solve fascinating research questions. If you would like to join the team contact me.
If you want to know more, visit my webpage.
Dr. rer. nat. Esther Kuehn
I am biologist and neuroscientist by training. I studied at the University of Münster, the University of Otago, and the Humboldt University Berlin. I obtained my PhD at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in 2013. After working as DAAD Postdoctoral Fellow at the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience and the Division of Psychology and Language Sciences at University College London, I joined the DZNE Magdeburg in 2015 as CNPS Postdoctoral Fellow. Since 2019, I am Principal Investigator (PI) at the IKND Magdeburg and I am leading the IKND Research Group on Microstructural Imaging, Aging & Embodiment.
You can find an overview about my research here.
We use state-of-the-art neuroimaging and modeling technology with a specific focus on 7 Tesla magnetic resonance imaging.
Ultra-high resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at 7 Tesla allows meso-scale imaging of the living human brain. This allows developing three-dimensional models of human cortex function where two dimensions perpendicular to the cortical sheet and one dimension in cortical depth are used to develop cognitive models (see Kuehn & Sereno 2018). My research group uses 7 Tesla MRI together with psychophysics to understand the link between the three-dimensional architecture of the living human cortex and age-related changes in human sensorimotor behavior.
- Microstructural imaging in health & disease
- Sensorimotor plasticity & aging
- Mapping of social space in health & disease
Übersicht Drittmittel:
- "Cortical Microstructure & Aging", Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
- "Topography and plasticity of the cortical microstructure in ALS characterized with 7 Tesla MRI", Else-Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung (EKFS)
- "Diagnostic Glove: Disease diagnosis in daily life from wearable kinematics", Center for Behavioral Brain Sciences (CBBS)
- "The power of mind: Altering cutaneous sensations by autosuggestion", Bial Foundation
- "Layer-dependent plasticity of human topographic maps", CBBS
Publikationsliste in PubMed
peer-reviewed articles
- Riemer M, Wolbers T, Kuehn E (2019) "Preserved multisensory body representations in advanced age" Sci Rep 9:2663
- Lohmann G, Stelzer J, Lacosse E, Kumar VJ, Müller K, Kuehn E, Grodd W, Scheffler K (2018) "LISA improves statistical analyses for fMRI" Nat Commun 9:4014
- Kuehn E, Sereno I M (2018) "Modelling the human cortex in three dimensions" Trends Cogn Sci 22:1073-1075.
- Kuehn E, Haggard P, Villringer A, Pleger B, Sereno M (2018). Visually-driven maps in area 3b. J Neurosci 38:1295-1310.
- Kuehn E, Chen X, Geise P, Oltmer J, Wolbers T (2018). Social targets improve body-based and environment-based strategies during spatial navigation. Exp Brain Res 236:755-764.
- Kuehn E, Burkhard P (2018) How visual body perception influences somatosensory plasticity. Neural Plast 2018:7909684
- Kuehn E, Perez M, Diersch N, Döhler J, Wolbers T, Riemer M (2018). Embodiment in the aging mind. Neurosci Biobehav Rev 86:207-225.
- Kuehn E, Döhler J, Pleger B (2017) The influence of vision on tactile Hebbian learning. Sci Rep. 22: 9069.
- Kuehn E, Dinse J, Jacobsen E, Villringer A, Sereno M, Margulis D (2017) Body topography parcellates human sensory and motor cortex. Cereb Cort. Feb 10:1-16.
- Kuehn E, Mueller K, Lohmann G, Schütz-Bosbach (2016). Interoceptive awareness changes the posterior insula functional connectivity profile. Brain Struct Funct. 221:1555-71.
- Kuehn E, de Havas J, Silkoset E, Haggard P (2015). On the bilateral integration of proprioceptive information. Exp Brain Res 233: 1273-1288.
- Kuehn E, Mueller K, Turner R, Schütz-Bosbach S (2014). The functional architecture of S1 during touch observation described with 7 T fMRI. Brain Struct Funct 219: 219-40.
- Kuehn E, Trampel R, Mueller K, Turner R, Schütz-Bosbach S (2013). Judging roughness by sight: A 7-Tesla fMRI study on responsivity of the primary somatosensory cortex during observed touch of self and others. Hum Brain Map 34: 1882-95
- Wartenburger I, Kuehn E, Sassenberg U, Foth M, Franz L, van der Meer E (2010). On the relationship between fluid intelligence, gesture production, and brain structure. Intelligence 38: 193-201.
- Bein D, Kuehn E, Meuth A, Amler S, Haust M, Nyberg F, Sauerland C, Luger T, Bonsmann G, Kuhn A (2010). Evaluation of disease activity and damage in different subtypes of cutaneous lupus erythematosus using the CLASI. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venerol 25: 652-9.
- Schmitt V, Meuth AM, Amler S, Kuehn E, Haust M, Messer G, Bekou V, Sauerland C, Metze D, Köpcke W, Bonsmann G, Kuhn A (2010). Lupus erythematosus tumidus is a separate subtype of cutaneous lupus erythematosus. Br J Dermatol 162: 64-73.
- Meuth AM, Kuehn E, Amler S, Haust M, Nyberg F, Wons A, Sauerland C, Kopcke W, Schmitt V, Kuhn A (2009). EUSCLE Core Set Questionnaire: A Database Analysis of 50 patients with Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus. Arch Dermatol Res 301: 46-46.
- Schmitt V, Meuth AM, Haust M, Amler S, Messer G, Wons A, Sauerland C, Kopcke W, Kuehn E, Kuhn A (2009). Statistical Evidence of Lupus Erythematosus Tumidus as a Separate Entity. Arch Dermatol Res 301: 49-49.
- Kuhn A, Kuehn E, Meuth AM, Haust M, Nyberg F, Werth V, Ruzicka T, Schmitt V, Bonsmann G (2009). Development of a core set questionnaire by the European Society of Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus (EUSCLE). Autoimmun Rev 8: 702-12.
Book chapters
- Kuehn E, Mueller K, Turner R, Schütz-Bosbach S (2014). Der soziale Homunculus im primären somatosensorischen Cortex (S1) beschrieben mit 7 Tesla fMRT. 17th Ann Meet Ger Chapter Int Soc Magn Reson Med, 29-33.
- Schütz-Bosbach S, Kuehn E. Die soziale Perspektive (2014). In Prinz W. Experimentelle Handlungsforschung: Kognitive Grundlagen der Wahrnehmung und Steuerung von Handlungen, Kohlhammer GmbH, Stuttgart: 106-157.
- Kuehn E, Kuhn A. Alphee Cazenave – Pionier der Dermatologie des 19. Jahrhunderts (2008). In Löser C, Plewig G. Pantheon der Dermatologie, 142-58
- Kuhn A, Kuehn E, Bonsmann G, Sunderkötter, C. Dermatologische Differentialdiagnosen kutaner Durchblutungsstörungen. (2006) in: Ladner U. Raynaud-Syndrom und akrale Ischämiesyndrome, Unimed Verlag, Bremen, S.58-74
The team is international (Germany, UK, India, Poland, Greece..), interdisciplinary (medical engeneering, psychology, medicine, cognitive neuroscience, clinical neuroscience..), and dedicated to solve fascinating research questions. If you would like to join the team contact me.
Group members:
- Juliane Döhler (PhD Studentin)
- Claudia Liu (PhD Studentin)
- Alicia Northall (PhD Studentin)
- Avinash Kalyani (PhD Studentin)
- Kasia Myga (PhD Studentin, Co-Supervision with Prof. Elena Azanon)
- Anastasia Chrysidou (Studentische Hilfskraft)
- Igor Tellez (Studentische Hilfskraft)