PhD Matthew Betts


Meine Forschung befasst sich mit den pathologischen- und Verhaltens-veränderungen bei Alterserkrankungen wie zum Beispiel der Parkinson’schen Erkrankung. Eines meiner aktuellen Projekte untersucht wie Degeneration der Regionen des dopaminergen Mittelhirns (SN/VTA) im Alter und bei der Parkinson’schen Erkrankung kognitive Funktionen beeinflussen kann - besonders bei Lernexperimenten und Gedächtniskonsolidierung. Dazu wird eine Kombination aus verschiedenen Hochfeld-MRT-techniken wie zum Beispiel suszeptibilitätsgewichtete Bildgebung (SWI) und Diffusions-Tensor-Imaging (DTI) zusammen mit funktioneller Magnetresonanztomographie genutzt.

Matthew Betts - Project

Repräsentative Aufnahmen mit 7T-MRT: anatomische T1, T2*-gewichtete Größe, transversale Relaxationsrate (R2*) und quantitative Suszeptibilitätskartierung (QSM).



Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen e.V.

c/o Institut für Kognitive Neurologie und Demenzforschung
Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg
Leipziger Str. 44
39120 Magdeburg, Deutschland
Telefon: + 49 391 67 250 58



Beruflicher und wissenschaftlicher Werdegang:

seit 05/2012               Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Deutschen Zentrum für Neurodegenerative            
  Erkrankungen e.V., c/o IKND, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
10/2007 - 10/2011   PhD Student am Wolfson Centre for Age-related Diseases (CARD), King's College    
  "Assessing the therapeutic potential of targeting group III metabotrpic glutamate 
  receptor subtypes in the retreatment of Parkinson's disease", Supervised by 
  Dr. Susan Duty
09/2003 - 06/2007   MSc in Pharmakologie (mit einjährigem Einsatz in der Industrie), University of Bristol 
  Thema: "Development of novel allosteric modulators for iGlu5 and iGlu6 kainate 
  receptors using in silico screening"
07/2005 - 08/2006   Praktikum am Eli Lilly Research Centre, Windlesham Surrey, UK                                 
  "Using the technique of in vivo microdialysis to assess the extent of lesion and 
  functional recovery in animal models of Parkinson's disease"
  Supervised by Dr. Stephen Mitchell

Publikationsliste in PubMed

Original research publications

Betts MJ, Acosta-Cabronero J, Cardenas-Blanco A, Nestor PJ, Düzel E (under review). High-resolution in vivo characterization of the aging human brain using simultaneous quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) and R2* measurements at 7 Tesla.

Acosta-Cabronero J, Betts MJ, Cardenas-Blanco A, Yang S, Nestor PJ (2015). In vivo MRI mapping of brain iron deposition across the adult lifespan. J.Neurosci. (in press)

Betts MJ, O’Neill M, Duty S (2012). Allosteric modulation of the group III mGlu receptor 4 provides functional neuroprotection in the rodent 6-OHDA model of Parkinson’s disease. Br J Pharmacol. Aug;166(8):2317-30

Broadstock M, Austin P, Betts MJ, Duty S (2012). Antiparkinsonian potential of targeting group III metabotropic glutamate receptor subtypes in the rodent substantia nigra pars reticulata.  Br J Pharmacol. Feb;165(4b):1034-45

Austin P, *Betts MJ, Broadstock M, O’Neill M, Mitchell S, Duty S (2010). Symptomatic and neuroprotective effects following activation of nigral group III metabotropic glutamate receptors in rodent models of Parkinson’s disease. Br J Pharmacol. Aug;160(7):1741-5

* Denotes co-first author

Book chapters

Düzel E, Guitart-Masip M, Maaß A, Haemmerer D, Betts M, Speck O, Weiskopf N, Kanowski M (2015). Midbrain fMRI: Applications, limitations and challenges

Conference proceedings

23rd International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada
Acosta-Cabronero J, Betts MJ, Cardenas-Blanco A, Yang S, Speck O, Nestor PJ (2015).
QSM standardisation routine for unbiased whole-brain analysis

13th International Conference on Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease, Nice, France
Betts MJ, Liepelt-Scarfone I, Maaß A, Glanz W, Galatzky I, Berg D, Düzel E (2015). Impaired long-term memory for neutral but not emotionally negative stimuli in subjects at risk of Parkinson’s disease

Heider M, Betts MJ, Pertzov Y, Husain M, Düzel E (2015). Working memory binding in ageing: a VBM analysis of structural changes in low and high performing elderly individuals

XIII Magdeburg International Neurobiological Symposium, Magdeburg, Germany
Krauel K, Haynes JD, Heinze HJ, Tegelbeckers J, Pietro L, Perosa V, Breitling C, Guitart-Masip M, Düzel E, Bonath B, Flechtner HH, Betts MJ (2015). Pavlovian congruency in healthy development and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Dallas Aging and Cognition Conference, Dallas, USA
Betts MJ, Maaß A, Acosta-Cabronero J, Düzel E (2015). Striatum predicts memory bias for emotionally negative stimuli in young but not elderly adults

Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Hamburg, Germany
Betts MJ, Kaufmann J, Heidel J, Lützkendorf R, Cardenas-Blanco A, Düzel E (2014). Connectivity-based parcellation of the SN/VTA using diffusion tensor imaging at 7 tesla

Maaß A, Betts M, Berron D, Düzel E (2014). 7T fMRI of SN/VTA, locus coeruleus & hippocampus during emotional & reward-related memory encoding

43rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, USA
Betts MJ, Kaufmann J, Heidel J, Düzel E (2013). The effects of MR field strength on connectivity-based segmentation of the SN/VTA using diffusion tensor imaging at 3 and 7-tesla

40th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, USA
Betts M, O’Neill M, Mitchell S, Duty S (2010). Selective activation of the mGlu4 but not mGlu7 group III metabotropic glutamate receptor provides functional neuroprotection in the rat 6-OHDA model of Parkinson’s disease.

XVIII WFN Congress on Parkinson’s Disease and Related Disorders, Miami, USA
Betts M, O’Neill M, Mitchell S, Duty S (2009). Allosteric modulation of group III metabotropic glutamate receptor 4: a potential neuroprotective approach for the treatment of Parkinson's disease. Parkinsonism and Related Disorders 15(Suppl 2):S121

British Pharmacological Society, Winter Meeting, London, UK
Betts M, O’Neill M, Mitchell S, Duty S (2009). Supra-nigral administration of an mGlu4 receptor allosteric potentiator protects against histological and functional deficits in the 6-OHDA lesion rat model of Parkinson’s disease.

6th International Meeting on Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors, Taormina, Sicily
Betts M, O’Neill M, Mitchell S, Duty S (2008). The group III mGlu receptor agonist L-AP4 affords both neurochemical and functional neuroprotection against a 6-hydroxydopamine lesion of the substantia nigra in rats. Neuropharmacology 55: 585-638(9)


  • Elisa Lancini - Doktorandin, Co-Supervision mit Dr. Dorothea Hämmerer und Prof. Dr. Emrah Düzel
  • Johanna Pape - Medizinische Doktorandin
  • Laura Neumann - Medizinische Doktorandin
  • Sewda Yavari - Medizinische Doktorandin
  • Mousumi Saktar - Studentische Hilfskraft

Letzte Änderung: 18.07.2024 - Ansprechpartner:

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